OMGS- I sometimes need supervising, I swear! Was feelin a bit down today- got a heap of stuff going on with the job starting on Monday, and all the things that need to be in place for that, plus trying to sort out a new flat. In addition, SL kinna bites right now. I am going through my regular disappointment cycle- one day I will stop expecting people to act fairly- just because I behave in a certain way doesnt mean a thing. I get tired and upset at being taken for granted, or taken for a fool, but I havent yet managed to stop trying to put myself out for others. However, I am as close as I have ever been- some things that have happened recently have deeply upset me, and right now, I feel like withdrawing. It will pass, it always does- cant teach an old dog new tricks- or an old bish either, for that matter.
This rather depressed mood led to some retail therapy this morning- and omgs, only in SL- I bought the parcel of land adjacent to our home- its been for sale for ages, but today, I needed cheering up. So, I put in the waterfall, extended our lagoon and put out a pile of trees n stuff, I do love our home- a lot of work, and I will be tinkering for ages, but, its more or less in place, now.
Has it made me feel better? No, not really, took my mind off things though, and thats about all I can hope for, I suppose.