WOW- its been over a month since I last posted- damn thats slack!
OK, get comfy- its catch up time. Thats ma lil courtyard garden- sadly didnt have too much time to enjoy it before the weather turned- but its a lovely day today and I was out pottering, tidying up and sortin the plants out for winter.

The other picture- well- its David Draiman ofc! Went to see Disturbed last saturday at Brixton- omfg- toooooo awesome. Lots more pics- mostly crap n blurry- on ma Flickr site.
Sooooooo, apart from settlin into the new flat- which I am loving a lot- an the odd gig, RL is mostly about work. I am still training (that is sooooo close to a pun *grins*) and really gettin into the job. About a month to go before I get my license and out on my own- cant wait!
As for SL- well, it rolls on- Vinny and I are still happily married an expecting Lucas to join us and the twins at the end of October. Right now a lot of people we know are in turmoil with their relationships there- makes me realise how lucky we are. Dont get me wrong, we have our moments- damn we fight like hell- but we always seem to fix things and come back stronger. DJing is still fun- cant do very much tho, with the shiftwork- my hours are all over the place.
Well, the sun is still shining outside- I have a healthy lunch almost ready, and a little light housework to do. One thing I did when I moved was to leave the tv behind- and although I do occasionally miss it, generally- its been a great idea- I get my chores done a lot sooner! Ohhhhh- one job to be done this afternoon- replace the bathroom tap washer- I know how to do it in principle- but have never actually done it- this may well form a new post soon....