Well- damn, but who says you cant teach an old dog new tricks? I had a revelation this week on the subject of drama. If you boil it down to its essence- its people running round talking about things that arent anybody elses business. The third party then feels moved (or obliged) to respond with word or deed- and then goes on to repeat- etc etc etc. Yeah, I know its kinna obvious- but OMG- if ya jus keep ya mouth shut in the first place.........!
OK OK- look back at my blog- I have been as guilty as the next bish- but- unlike most- I try not to keep repeating the same pattern. I have an over developed sense of fairplay- and I get outraged at injustice either to me or my friends which has got me into a heap of trouble in the past.
The thing is, people will think what they want to about you, few will take the time to actually ask. So- I am pretty ruthless now- I cut people at the first hint of drama. That isnt to say that, in time- I wont reconsider- my closest friends have all been off my f/l at one time or other. I warn people that they are crossing my no drama line, or my comfort zone is being invaded- but- if they cant or wont keep that away from me- they are gone in a heartbeat. What I WONT do any more is run round bleating about it- cuz that is DRAMA- get it?
I must say- looking at the antics of people from my past is seriously amusing- watching them recreate the past with all the flaws still intact- hearing about them running round like schoolkids, trying to collect friends or ostracise those they have decided to hate this week- dammit people- if you put half as much effort into enjoying yourselves you would be having a 24/7 BALL.
Now- its high time I put a bit of effort into RL- next post will have an update- all sorts of things going on.