WOW is all I can say- damn but SL is such a roller coaster. I have always said that few ever really leave- and that includes me- I hide out in an alt sometimes, but my addiction is too strong to leave completely. I cleared out my f/l and was pretty much as low as I have ever been inworld- in fact, I was about to take a total break, when....... I was hanging out and this hot guy walked by- couldnt resist shooting him an IM, we got talking- we went dancing and then.......OMFG!!!!!
I have never had the slightest inclination to be collared since Harry left, two years ago- the Doms I have seen in SL simply ARENT- and I care too much about myself to walk into an abusive relationship. This man is pure Dom- for real. We have been together constantly since we met- I submitted to him and took his collar a month ago now- and I have never been happier. We have totally made over the land, and now have a dojo and a japanese garden along with lots of other stuff- yeah, I am still a "stuff" whore- probly always will be. Drafichi Lightfoot is the man who has changed my whole world- I had no intention of getting seriously involved with anybody in SL and certainly not a BDSM relationship- and here I am- grinning like crazy inworld and out. There will be plenty more about him- rest assured *smiles* as for the rest of my SL- I talk to the few people who I kept close to me- I DJ when I can- even less often now as my Lords pleasure comes before anything- not because he demands it- but because I choose. My new SL is pleasing me greatly. Right now, i have to run as RL is tugging at my arm- trains to work, idiots to tolerate *giggles*
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