Well, thats how my place looks now- its not finished- and- my heart hasnt been in it, really- just busy work. I got to that stage I knew I would reach- where I am running out of things to distract myself with. No purpose has emerged as yet- and until that happens, SL is a pretty bleak place. I am trying very hard not to rely on friends support- but its not easy. *smiles* an old friend once said to me- its ok to fall in love- just not so hard, k? I never did get the hang of that. Anyway- enough whining- it is how it is- and I did my best to make it right.
RL is - well, RL. Being back at work has been good- I am even thinkin bout actually going away for my summer leave which is mid august this year- just not sure where. I am thinkin I might take a couple of short city breaks- I never got to Rome yet, and I would like to go back to Barcelona- or I might just take myself off to a beach for a couple of weeks. I really dont know- I am pretty rocked and low and its hard to be enthusiastic about anything much. It will pass, I know- its just allowing myself time to settle- and finding myself again. If you find me- please return me *grinz*