Saturday night was pretty damn good- Sevendust supporting Buckcherry- had a real blast. I have to take my hat off to the guy on the mixing desk for Buckcherry- he got it spot on- its not a big venue and a bad shape- so he backed off the volume and let the sound work- so few mixers do anything besides crank it up these days. Heard all the old favourites *grinz* even THAT tune- and yanno- it may be way overplayed- but hell it had the entire room dancin an singing- even ME *laughs* It was really packed and I got stuck by one of the bars- dayumm!!! so there was nothing for it but to drink- so Mr Daniels took a bit of punishment, I confess. Because the Islington Academy is in a shopping precinct- it has a wildly early curfew- was kicked out at 10pm- but thats not so bad- I got back to Vic in time to buy some chinese food and a bottle of wine to drink on the train- yeah- I know- a regular saturday night asshole - at least I didnt vomit on the train *laughs* I carried on drinking some when I got home- so Sunday was fragile head time in spades. That is my excuse for a poor performance in the karting sunday afternoon- I didnt come last- but almost. However- it was such a heap of fun- its been so long since I went karting- loved it- despite the helmet hair. Sadly- I didnt see much of Draf this weekend- bloody typical- the first weekend for ages he had no plans- and I did- so he took himself out saturday night too- and then sunday- we were just settling in to an evening together and he got called to a bbq- anybody would think it was summer! Well- no matter- hes not going anywhere- and neither am I.
Been a fantastic hot day again today- I had intended to go for a walk- but- I think i was still shaking off the last of the alcohol- so I never really got past the side of the bed LOL. Back to work on Friday- and I still need to valet the car and finish the housework- just the bedroom to sort out now- I got a lot of boring stuff like windows and tiles cleaned while I been off- man, how domesticated do I sound!
SL? well, more of the same really- I dont tend to do much besides talk to the few and spend time with my darling Draf. I tried to get my ban at SR lifted this week- silly me- I forgot that they dont do logic there. I go once in a while- in one alt or another- I dont cause trouble- I go to see people- so it seemed to me that as they know all this- it would cause less drama- and be more honest for me to go as Callie. Unbelievably, they prefer to have me sneaking around as alts- I guess without its drama SR would lose its way- whatever- it isnt that important. I admit it was important enough to ask- but hell- it actually doesnt make that much difference to me- changes nothing. Weirdly- the reason was all to do with something that was only hinted at- and that I have NO clue about- something about me damaging the club- I really dunno what thats about. But then again- I forgot about the paranoid and incredibly bitter people they get there- lotsa talk about moving on- when what they actually mean is stay away. Moving on means being able to be in the same room without getting uptight- and I been able to do that for months now- shame about the others.
LMAO- you gotta love SL- somebody just sent me a psychedelic squid- I have no idea why- but hey!
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