OK- this is likely to be a particularly rambling post- so- pay attention *grinz* I was jus wondering whether it makes sense to keep posting as Callie- as she is no longer a part of me? Trouble is- its a pain in the ass to start over- even with a blog- so- i will probly continue, just tweak the profile some. Has Callie been back to SL? Of course- a couple of times- to tidy up stuff and once to talk to...well- no matter- a closed door. Will she return? Highly unlikely- it was a sad and lonely place for her at times- a lot of good ones- but sheesh- the lows were fkn horrendous. Will I start over- maybe- lets face it- its an addiction- and I do miss it at times. One thing is for sure- I would hang in different places with different people, doing different stuff- why recreate shit?
Sooo- what have I been up to? Basically working!!! Right now I am on a long weekend- so, of course the fantastic weather we have had here headed for the hills- its grey and rainy- but thats ok- getting stuff done round the flat- being domestic. I have to say- nothing hugely exciting happening- I just felt like a waffle.
I considered going to a different world- but that held no appeal either- the very things that make SL such a painful place are the ones I enjoy- the freedom, the unstructured nature of it. SL was always my social life- first of all because I had no confidence or money to pursue one RL, and latterly because my free time isnt conducive to a RL social life- so its been pretty weird- watching some more tv- BAD- catching up on some movies- not so bad.
You see the way my mind is going? Yeah- me too *sighs* addiction is hard work, yanno. Anyhoo- I guess its probable that a new avi will turn up in SL in the future- but dont bother informing the drama police- they wont be associated with Callie- or what would be the point?
I know a lot of people read this- well- would be kinna pointless blogging if nobody did, huh? So- I wanted to say thanks to the couple of people who took time to send me messages lately- Unome and Aldo. IM to Callie do find their way into my e mails *smiles*
Now- I have the most exciting day planned- gonna cruise the aisles of the supermarket- then I have a pamper afternoon planned- its all about MEEEEEE!!!!
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