I just received a copy of some conversations going back to AUGUST- when my dear husband and my best friend started to fuck- read and judge for yourself
[2008/08/31 9:33] Vanessa : ive had sex with Vinny
[2008/08/31 9:33] Vanessa : omg i said it
[2008/08/31 9:33] Vanessa : please dont tell
[2008/08/31 9:33] A friend: that's okay hun, i'm not gonna tell
[2008/08/31 9:34] A friend: i mean he had to do half the work
[2008/08/31 9:34] Vanessa : i do not want callie to find out
[2008/08/31 9:34] A friend: was it while they were apart?
[2008/08/31 9:34] Vanessa : nope see please dont hate me
[2008/08/31 9:34] Vanessa : and its over with
[2008/08/31 9:35] Vanessa : and that's the end of that
[2008/08/31 9:35] Vanessa : lol
[2008/08/31 9:35] A Friend: that's okay hun, i don't hate you
[2008/08/31 9:35] A friend: if it were RL, it wouldn't be kewl
[2008/08/31 9:35] Vanessa : lord i would never to that in rl
[2008/08/31 9:35] Vanessa : no way
2008/08/31 9:36] Vanessa : it was just a fluke
[2008/08/31 9:36] Vanessa : and hes still with callie
[2008/08/31 9:37] Vanessa : and shes trying to get pregnant so everything is cool
[2008/08/31 9:38] Vanessa : but they want to do as close to rl as they can
[2008/08/31 9:38] A friend: we aren't in here what we are in RL...we wouldn't hurt people[2008/08/31 9:38] Vanessa : yeah but xxxxx omg he is so fucking good
[2008/08/31 9:38] A friend: and Vinny will keep it mum
[2008/08/31 9:38] Vanessa : no he wont hes not like that
[2008/08/31 9:39] Vanessa : ok so eat this conversation so it cant be found lmao
************* [2008/09/01 12:00] a friend : did something happen with Vinny?
[2008/09/01 12:00] Vanessa : yeah
[2008/09/01 12:00] Vanessa : i have no one to talk to damn it
[2008/09/01 12:01] a friend: sorry
[2008/09/01 12:01] Vanessa : see your not even talking lol
[2008/09/01 12:02] a friend: was trying to get out of sr
[2008/09/01 12:02] a friend: no no
[2008/09/01 12:02] a friend
: i was lagging
[2008/09/01 12:02] a friend: wanna tp me
[2008/09/01 12:02] a friend: i was trying to stop dancing and get out of sr
[2008/09/01 12:02] Vanessa : sure hang on
[2008/09/01 12:14] Vanessa : [12:30] Vincenzo : i actually got fucking jealous with hell talking to you that way...i so wanted to punch him in the face to shut him up
[12:30] Vanessa : really?
[12:31] Vanessa : im sorry baby i didn't know
[12:31] Vincenzo : yeah surprised me too
[12:31] Vincenzo : no its ok baby...its flirting i know
[2008/09/01 12:14] Vanessa :
[12:32] Vincenzo : but that twinge hit me...made me realize how deep your getting under my skin...and i like it...cuz your mine as far as i care
[2008/09/01 12:14] Vanessa :
[12:32] Vincenzo: even if you have another man you still would be until you told me to get lost[2008/09/01 12:14] Vanessa -: god xxxxxxxx please keep this to yourself
[2008/09/23 19:09] Vanessa : callie is in her 40's
[2008/09/23 19:09] Vanessa : but i didn't tell you that
[2008/09/23 19:09] a friend: yeah, a lot older than vinny right
[2008/09/23 19:10] Vanessa : oh yeah old enough to be his mom
[2008/09/23 19:10] a friend: well that's fine if yer honest about it, but no need to tell someone yer 40 when yer 65!
[2008/09/23 19:10] a friend: that's sorta weird
[2008/09/23 19:10] Vanessa : oh yeah
[2008/09/23 19:10] Vanessa : i do lie about my age sometimes ill tell them im 39 sometimes lol
[2008/12/19 21:39] Vanessa dont tell vin im married
[2008/12/19 21:39] a friend: i lost you sugah
[2008/12/19 21:39] Vanessa : or that i have kids
[2008/12/19 21:39] a friend: no no
[2008/12/19 21:39] a friend: i dont even talk to him hun
[2008/12/19 21:40] a friend: lol
[2008/12/19 21:40] a friend: honestly i don't talk to that many people
[2008/12/19 21:40] Vanessa well dont tell anyone lol
[2008/12/19 21:40] Vanessa : you elena and damian are the only ones that know
[2008/12/19 21:40] a friend: dun worry sugah
[2008/12/19 21:40] Vanessa : like i said there is no rl thing between u
[2008/12/19 21:40] Vanessa : s
[2008/12/19 21:40] Vanessa : i mean we skype just to talk
[2008/12/19 21:41]a friend: betweeyou and you vinny you mean
[2008/12/19 21:41] Vanessa : but im trying to keep him together
[2008/12/19 21:41] a friend: hun, i dun care what you do with him sugah
[2008/12/19 21:41] a friend: honestly
[2008/12/19 21:41] Vanessa: there is no rl thing between vinny and me
[2008/12/19 21:41] a friend: yes
[2008/12/19 21:41] Vanessa : he
[2008/12/19 21:41] a friend: i understand
[2008/12/19 21:41] Vanessa : hes 32
[2008/12/19 21:41] a friend: aww
[2008/12/19 21:41] a friend: a mere child ;-)
[2008/12/19 21:41] a friend: lol
[2008/12/19 21:41] Vanessa : doesne want rl kids or marriage
[2008/12/19 21:41] Vanessa : smart man lol
[2008/12/19 21:41] a friend: lol
[2008/12/19 21:41] Vanessa : yes
[2008/12/19 21:41] a friend: well he says that now, some day though, who knows
[2008/12/19 21:42] Vanessa : i mean he knows my age
[2008/12/19 21:42] Vanessa : oh yeah but he will find some one eventually and settle down[2008/12/19 21:42] Vanessa : but its not gonna be me lol
Saturday, 27 December 2008

Wednesday, 17 December 2008
all things must change.....

o FUCK is all I can say- there was me pontificating in the last entry about rl/sl relationships- secure in the knowledge that my own sl relationship was deep strong and true. GULP! well, yeah, okies- hands up- imma got that one SO wrong. No way am I dissecting what was a very special thing for me here- you wanna talk to me bout it- meet me in SL. What I will say is that I have spent the last week or so re evaluating- an things are gonna be different from now on. The pic- NO it isnt me *slaps* is rl- its ma job, the thing I do most, even more than sleep- it comes first. SL? I haz friends- good ones- true ones- skank free ones. I go into SL to party hard an to DJ- any more- I so seriously doubt that. I am a slow learner- but even a dumbass can learn, yanno.
Yeah- imma still in shock an rambling- its our wedding anniversary this coming Monday- I am freaking bout it- but I will get thru it- more bitter, more twisted- more convinced that the fuckers and the fakers shall inherit the earth- but deep inside, I am still here.
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
SL? RL? the mix?
Jus lately I have been giving some thought to how sl meshes with rl- mostly in relationship terms- and- you know what- its DOESNT! There have been some crossovers into rl I know of- an wtg you guys! mostly however- it jus doesnt have legs. Here is what I think- sl relationships are born of fantasy- we are all gorgeous, witty- we spend our time having fun- whats not to fall in love with? We are all in sl to supplement our rl- something is missing or we wouldnt BE there- go on, protest away- but its the truth. However, when we get close to somebody sl, the temptation to go rl is almost overwhelming- and thats when it all goes pearshaped- all the flaws are there on show- it has to be a huge disappointment.
I also dont get how you can be in a rl relationship and apparently happy, yet be spending all available time in sl with a different partner- idk- cheatin is cheatin- an thats how that one is coloured to me. I can talk with some authority- my own rl marriage ended a few months after I came to sl- an yeah- it was a contributory factor without doubt. I am WAY happier now- but thats a whole other story. Actually, I kinna like where my lives are right now- rl is fun, busy and relationship free whereas sl is all about Vinny- I love that man more each day, he is incredible. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA talk about rl an dammit, it jumps ya- I gotta run n catcha train- I think this one may well feature in future posts tho.
I also dont get how you can be in a rl relationship and apparently happy, yet be spending all available time in sl with a different partner- idk- cheatin is cheatin- an thats how that one is coloured to me. I can talk with some authority- my own rl marriage ended a few months after I came to sl- an yeah- it was a contributory factor without doubt. I am WAY happier now- but thats a whole other story. Actually, I kinna like where my lives are right now- rl is fun, busy and relationship free whereas sl is all about Vinny- I love that man more each day, he is incredible. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA talk about rl an dammit, it jumps ya- I gotta run n catcha train- I think this one may well feature in future posts tho.
Monday, 27 October 2008
Callie is a plumber....?

HAHAHAHAHAHA! No, this isnt a pic of my flat- I am sooooooo proud of maself- I changed the bathroom tap washer all by maself with NO accidents! So, no story there, sadly. Actually, life has been quite boring of late- no mishaps, misunderstandings, source of shits n giggles- pretty straightforward, really.
Vinny an I are proud parents again, baby Lucas arrived yesterday, to add to our SL family. Vin is building a new house- we kinna like the one we currently have- but it needs to be bigger- we got 3 kids now, yanno! My SL brother an RL mate gets married next weekend, imma bridesmaid an also gonna do a DJ set for the reception- sadly Vin wont make it cuz of RL, though. Well, I have procrastinated enough today- I am working at home and really should get back to it.......
Saturday, 11 October 2008
OK, get comfy- its catch up time. Thats ma lil courtyard garden- sadly didnt have too much time to enjoy it before the weather turned- but its a lovely day today and I was out pottering, tidying up and sortin the plants out for winter.
The other picture- well- its David Draiman ofc! Went to see Disturbed last saturday at Brixton- omfg- toooooo awesome. Lots more pics- mostly crap n blurry- on ma Flickr site.
Sooooooo, apart from settlin into the new flat- which I am loving a lot- an the odd gig, RL is mostly about work. I am still training (that is sooooo close to a pun *grins*) and really gettin into the job. About a month to go before I get my license and out on my own- cant wait!
As for SL- well, it rolls on- Vinny and I are still happily married an expecting Lucas to join us and the twins at the end of October. Right now a lot of people we know are in turmoil with their relationships there- makes me realise how lucky we are. Dont get me wrong, we have our moments- damn we fight like hell- but we always seem to fix things and come back stronger. DJing is still fun- cant do very much tho, with the shiftwork- my hours are all over the place.
Well, the sun is still shining outside- I have a healthy lunch almost ready, and a little light housework to do. One thing I did when I moved was to leave the tv behind- and although I do occasionally miss it, generally- its been a great idea- I get my chores done a lot sooner! Ohhhhh- one job to be done this afternoon- replace the bathroom tap washer- I know how to do it in principle- but have never actually done it- this may well form a new post soon....
Friday, 29 August 2008
bohemian? LMAO

Wednesday, 20 August 2008
back to the future

LMAO- I always wanted to say that! well, SL is a heap more fun now. Vinny and I have re-partnered- and that has made me mucho happy. I finally worked out the problem- sheesh- the Italiano in that man is astonishing. This is the reworked land so far- new house, with the coolest basement- a huge tv, stage for live music, bar, ofc- pool and darts, too.I still need to work on the landscaping, but we are both really pleased with it so far- and loving our SL and time together too. Vinny is the most incredible man- with a huge heart, all of it MINE! The only irritation SL is that I cant DJ right now, I have a dead mic and cant work out what the problem is- its either a conflict between Vista and my soundcard or the damn card has fritzed- I am going round in circles trying to fix it- driving me crazy.
RL is going pretty good too, gettin on with the job- loving it, in fact. Its a lot of learning- still got at least 11 weeks before I get my license, and off the training salary, which is, umm tight! Its my last day at work today for a week or so- tomorrow I will be doing all the final packing, ready for the move on Friday- I cant wait. I love my new place, and the neighbours here have become almost impossible to deal with- I wont be shedding a tear to leave them behind.
Wednesday, 6 August 2008

My diabetes seems to be well under control these days, to the point where I think it might be possible to reduce my meds again- I will discuss that with my new GP- another thing on the to do list- find a doctor. I was crackin up yesterday, as I checked out the supermarket situation- its an upmarket town all right- it has a WAITROSE!
Saturday, 2 August 2008

that was how my lagoon looked, before I cleared all the land last week- its all up for sale, right now- but, I may trade it in against a sim- not really decided. SL has become less attractive a place- I have very few friends left there, my brother has left and me n Vinny- well, we are talking. I have no idea if we can recover out relationship, or even if we should- but, seems to me its worth trying. I am much clearer than I have ever been of what I want and expect from my man- and compromise has to be a 2 way thing- we shall see. Whats going on RL? Well, I have found yet another flat, moving in 3 weeks- this one is great, on the coast, big rooms, small courtyard garden- I am really lookin forward to it- though the packing is a nightmare. I havent had much time, the training course I have been on has been pretty exhausting too. However- I passed the first- and most important part this week- so I am kinna pleased with myself. Its a long haul till I qualify as a conductor- at least 12 more weeks, but I am enjoying it- not to mention the bliss of having money in my pocket. Just now, I feel a bit flat still, such a lot of things in transition/turmoil and not a dream in sight. Maybe thats not such a bad thing, a reality check. One lil ray of sunshine- I talked to an old friend earlier, we hadnt exactly drifted apart- more exploded- but we talked an it was good- some people jus wont get outta your head.
Sunday, 27 July 2008
even the music doesnt help
This has to be one of the worst weekends ever- I got home on friday to find my isp had a headfit and disconnected my broadband- so I am currently in a bar on my laptop *sighs*
Most importantly- Vinny and I split on Friday. I am not goin into it here- you can call me inworld if you want- all that needs to be said is that I am paralysed. I am in deep shock- not really feelin anything yet. I have put my land up for sale- I cant see much point in SL without him, but that may change, of course.
Most importantly- Vinny and I split on Friday. I am not goin into it here- you can call me inworld if you want- all that needs to be said is that I am paralysed. I am in deep shock- not really feelin anything yet. I have put my land up for sale- I cant see much point in SL without him, but that may change, of course.
Saturday, 5 July 2008
means to an end......

Ok, I gots through a week of working now. MAN, I knew it would hit me hard, but SHEESH! I have been gettin home, loggin into SL to spend an hour or so with Vinny then falling into bed. It will get easier, of course, and moving will cut the travelling time, and fatigue. The picture? Well, its old of course, Matt Dawson hasnt been scrumhalf at Saints for a good while- but the new season starts in a couple of months, and I fully intend to be there for a few home games- really quite excited about it. My last post was pretty down, I am glad to report I am feelin way more positive now. I really do have to lower my expectations of people though. One of the benefits of the new job is membership of a Benevolent fund, and they will foot the bill (ha ha) for my chiropodist, and also, I am going to have aromatherapy again- major bonus! My uniform didnt turn up on Friday as promised, although I do have my safety boots- so I made a very fetching picture this morning, bathrobe and steel toecapped boots- dayumm, imma SMEXEH!
Friday, 27 June 2008

OMGS- I sometimes need supervising, I swear! Was feelin a bit down today- got a heap of stuff going on with the job starting on Monday, and all the things that need to be in place for that, plus trying to sort out a new flat. In addition, SL kinna bites right now. I am going through my regular disappointment cycle- one day I will stop expecting people to act fairly- just because I behave in a certain way doesnt mean a thing. I get tired and upset at being taken for granted, or taken for a fool, but I havent yet managed to stop trying to put myself out for others. However, I am as close as I have ever been- some things that have happened recently have deeply upset me, and right now, I feel like withdrawing. It will pass, it always does- cant teach an old dog new tricks- or an old bish either, for that matter.
This rather depressed mood led to some retail therapy this morning- and omgs, only in SL- I bought the parcel of land adjacent to our home- its been for sale for ages, but today, I needed cheering up. So, I put in the waterfall, extended our lagoon and put out a pile of trees n stuff, I do love our home- a lot of work, and I will be tinkering for ages, but, its more or less in place, now.
Has it made me feel better? No, not really, took my mind off things though, and thats about all I can hope for, I suppose.
Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Ooooh, had a heap of fun Monday night- went to the Metal Hammer Golden Gods awards. Gettin there was a challenge- the classic cock up with tickets not arriving. The minute I saw the guy responsible was called Toby, I KNEW it would be a farce- and it was! Still, got it sorted and had somebody meet us at the venue with replacement tickets- VIP passes would have been good- but hey...*grins*
The show is apparently going out on MTV2, tho not too sure how- unless they call it the beep awards beep show- Oderus was hosting and LMAO- the guy is incapable of more than 3 words without a profanity- and two of those three will refer to shagging or drugs. Anyhoo- was a good while since I had been to any live music- so was niiiiiice to be in the pit again. Saw Testament, Apocalyptica, In Flames and Children of Bodom first of all then on to what was, for me the main event- a set by Disturbed. Sheeeeeeeeeit, but they rocked. The sound was crap, as expected- 5 bands in jus over 3 hours doesnt allow for too much work on the mixing desk- but who cared! David Draiman is an awesome showman- and as usual his voice was aural sex. As far as I know the next foray is to see Clutch in August, with a couple of things set up for December along the way. One side effect is that I am now desperate to get working on my next tattoo- I want to have a phoenix, to match the one on my shoulderblade, on my upper arm, with the tail feathers curling round my arm down to my wrist- like the ink that Callie wears in secondlife. Will go talk to the artist with pics n stuff this week- get an idea of time n cost
Sunday, 8 June 2008

All in all, my lives are pretty peaceful right now- maybe its the calm before the storm *grins* I am enjoying my SL more than I have for a long time and RL is perkin up too- with the new job I am starting at the end of the month. Sadly, I couldnt swing the finance to move home before I start, so I have a couple of months of 2 hr journeys to face- but hell- whatever it takes to be earning a living again.
Monday, 26 May 2008
Thats the view from my bedroom window- that was a pretty spectacular dawn earlier on this year. English weather is a bit of a global joke, of course, as a race, we are obsessed with discussing it- but so would you be if you had the variation and unpredictability that comes from living on a small island on the edge of several major air and sea currents. Right now, its almost 3am, and its raining- not in itself remarkable. However- the weather here has been glorious for some weeks, warm and sunny- it rained last night too- and the SMELL! It was positively tropical- that smell of vegetation, dust and warmth that comes with a tropical shower. That is reinforced by the sun in the day, rain at night pattern. Damn, I love living here! I only wish we had the tropical temperatures to go with the current weather pattern- its warm, but many of you would snort derisively- its high sixties, low seventies mostly.
Friday, 23 May 2008
Sheesh! two posts in one day- but, I couldnt resist this opportunity to add a quote...
Well, I guess we are all gamers, by definition. There are so many levels though. I see myself as a low level gamer- I mostly act, react and interact in a natural way, although I do use fantasy in a light way- my pregnancy for example. I do struggle with some of the rp in Secondlife- I just dont understand it, I suppose. Nekos I get to an extent- and, I love the look. Vamps, demons, drows, faes- I get the look, but not the lifestyle. BDSM- well, in my experience pretty much everybody is fantasising and few understand the reality- BDSM is not abuse. Its a dangerous thing to get into if you dont know exactly what you are doing. Gor is a total mystery to me and doesnt really appeal at all. That doesnt make it bad- just not for me.
This post is really to give me an opportunity to quote a friend- damn, I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at this...[4:08] Marlena Petrov: oh!! I accidentally went shopping @ gorean sim yesterday??[4:09] Callie Carr: OMG[4:09] Marlena Petrov: so I posted *lets anyone or thing watching know she has shields, a combat system and a BIG gun...and PMS!!!!
I suppose I am a bit of a fish out of water- being a non rp'er in a virtual world- I dont get so much of what happens. The thing that makes SL such fun though, is exactly this diversity- you never know WHAT you might see next. I may not understand what you do- but hey- isnt it great that you can do it?
Well, I guess we are all gamers, by definition. There are so many levels though. I see myself as a low level gamer- I mostly act, react and interact in a natural way, although I do use fantasy in a light way- my pregnancy for example. I do struggle with some of the rp in Secondlife- I just dont understand it, I suppose. Nekos I get to an extent- and, I love the look. Vamps, demons, drows, faes- I get the look, but not the lifestyle. BDSM- well, in my experience pretty much everybody is fantasising and few understand the reality- BDSM is not abuse. Its a dangerous thing to get into if you dont know exactly what you are doing. Gor is a total mystery to me and doesnt really appeal at all. That doesnt make it bad- just not for me.
This post is really to give me an opportunity to quote a friend- damn, I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard at this...[4:08] Marlena Petrov: oh!! I accidentally went shopping @ gorean sim yesterday??[4:09] Callie Carr: OMG[4:09] Marlena Petrov: so I posted *lets anyone or thing watching know she has shields, a combat system and a BIG gun...and PMS!!!!
I suppose I am a bit of a fish out of water- being a non rp'er in a virtual world- I dont get so much of what happens. The thing that makes SL such fun though, is exactly this diversity- you never know WHAT you might see next. I may not understand what you do- but hey- isnt it great that you can do it?
bacon sarnies!
Just havin ma fave breakfast, a bacon and mushroom sandwich- or sarnie if ya understand London slang. It is a little late for breakfast- more of a brunch- but PFFFT! Its a glorious day again, and I shall shower and head out for my customary walk on the beach shortly before logging into SL to meet my Vinny, spend a little time with him then off to work- todays gig is at Runaround Sues- fifties and sixties music- a little different from the norm for me. I love playing there, its so different, Susan and Marlena have created a great venue- even the atmosphere is in theme- sort of an innocence. The people are just wonderful, I love it! Last night, I played at my SL brothers club, Voodoo Magic. Its only been open a few days, and we have had some great feedback from visitors, does the old ego a power of good!
I was waffling about quotations the other day- here is another I treasure- it was damned cutting at the time- but with hindsight- also incredibly funny too- thanks Cas- you have put many a smile on my face. "Your ego has outstripped your talent" OMG- I am giggling at the memory all over again. To think that I can be egotistical- I would never have noticed *GRINS*
While I am on about DJ work- I am retained by a wedding venue in SL as their DJ. This means I get to play a heap of stuff I wouldnt normally play, to suit the happy couples plans. A lot of people go traditional, classical music at the ceremony- and of course lovesongs at the reception- so I have a healthy smoochin file. Sometimes though, those special songs are just not mainstream- who the hell is Peter Allen? LMAO!
I was waffling about quotations the other day- here is another I treasure- it was damned cutting at the time- but with hindsight- also incredibly funny too- thanks Cas- you have put many a smile on my face. "Your ego has outstripped your talent" OMG- I am giggling at the memory all over again. To think that I can be egotistical- I would never have noticed *GRINS*
While I am on about DJ work- I am retained by a wedding venue in SL as their DJ. This means I get to play a heap of stuff I wouldnt normally play, to suit the happy couples plans. A lot of people go traditional, classical music at the ceremony- and of course lovesongs at the reception- so I have a healthy smoochin file. Sometimes though, those special songs are just not mainstream- who the hell is Peter Allen? LMAO!
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
ok, so who is perfect...?
Certainly not me!
I started this blog because some of the people I know in SL have them- and well- it seemed like a fun thing to do. I said in my first post that it wouldnt be a tool to beat people with, so apologies, because this posting does contain my opinion of the behaviour of others. Its not because I think I know any better, or behave better- its just- well- commonsense, I think. Some bloggers make a big thing about their blogs being their own view and that those who disagree or disapprove should look elsewhere. PERLEASE! a blog is published and therefore public. That view is akin to having sex in the middle of a park on a Sunday afternoon then telling the arresting policeman that people didnt have to look if they didn't like what they saw. A diary is a better vehicle for ranting, venting, and generally holding court on the percieved actions of others. *GRINS* having vented on the percieved actions of others- let me move on!
What do I do in Secondlife? I am married to Vinny, its our five month anniversary today- the time has flown. We recently had twins, Navarre and Alicia, and we are having a lot of fun with them. Its unlikely that they will grow up- I am not comfortable with that concept. We live in a big riverside house close to the ocean- my land is a great joy to me, I love playin round, landscaping, building. The latest craze in SL is fishing- and, I have to say, its a real hoot. Vinny and I sat on our dock fishing for ages the other day- poor Vinny- Flipper the dolphin kept pinching his bait! I work as a club DJ, playing mostly hard rock and metal, but I also play classic rock sets, and a fifties gig too. It really is a lot of fun and as many of my audience are from the States- they loooove my accent- I am forever having to remind them, that being English- I dont have an accent! I spend time with my friends and family- for example, this Sunday Vinny and I are going to the wedding of two good friends. I love a wedding, and SL ones are often as emotional as RL ones. The speed at which things move in SL mean that few things endure- including relationships. I know of 2 couples who were together when I first met them, almost 2 years ago- everybody else has split up, moved on. My own first marriage in SL ended very badly- but we stayed in touch out of SL- and are very good friends now- which pleases me no end.
My whole SL will need some rethinking soon, a new job is going to impact severely on my routine there- but my SL will carry on, I will still have Vinny, my twins, my house- and I will still DJ as often as I can, though maybe not so regularly.
I started this blog because some of the people I know in SL have them- and well- it seemed like a fun thing to do. I said in my first post that it wouldnt be a tool to beat people with, so apologies, because this posting does contain my opinion of the behaviour of others. Its not because I think I know any better, or behave better- its just- well- commonsense, I think. Some bloggers make a big thing about their blogs being their own view and that those who disagree or disapprove should look elsewhere. PERLEASE! a blog is published and therefore public. That view is akin to having sex in the middle of a park on a Sunday afternoon then telling the arresting policeman that people didnt have to look if they didn't like what they saw. A diary is a better vehicle for ranting, venting, and generally holding court on the percieved actions of others. *GRINS* having vented on the percieved actions of others- let me move on!
What do I do in Secondlife? I am married to Vinny, its our five month anniversary today- the time has flown. We recently had twins, Navarre and Alicia, and we are having a lot of fun with them. Its unlikely that they will grow up- I am not comfortable with that concept. We live in a big riverside house close to the ocean- my land is a great joy to me, I love playin round, landscaping, building. The latest craze in SL is fishing- and, I have to say, its a real hoot. Vinny and I sat on our dock fishing for ages the other day- poor Vinny- Flipper the dolphin kept pinching his bait! I work as a club DJ, playing mostly hard rock and metal, but I also play classic rock sets, and a fifties gig too. It really is a lot of fun and as many of my audience are from the States- they loooove my accent- I am forever having to remind them, that being English- I dont have an accent! I spend time with my friends and family- for example, this Sunday Vinny and I are going to the wedding of two good friends. I love a wedding, and SL ones are often as emotional as RL ones. The speed at which things move in SL mean that few things endure- including relationships. I know of 2 couples who were together when I first met them, almost 2 years ago- everybody else has split up, moved on. My own first marriage in SL ended very badly- but we stayed in touch out of SL- and are very good friends now- which pleases me no end.
My whole SL will need some rethinking soon, a new job is going to impact severely on my routine there- but my SL will carry on, I will still have Vinny, my twins, my house- and I will still DJ as often as I can, though maybe not so regularly.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Spent some time chattin to a good friend tonight- bout all sorts of stuff includin bad airports- I know- may I jus point ya at the blog title- I AM eccentric yanno! Anyhoo, it set me to thinkin bout quotations- now, here is a good insight into the arcane way my mind is wired up...
We talked bout Miami airport- I once spent Christmas night at the Sofitel en route to Bahamas- I always have a martini as soon as possible after landing in the States- at the bar, got chattin to a couple of guys who told me a Dorothy Parker quote...
"I never drink martinis- well, maybe one at most- for after two I am under the table, after three, I am under the host"
That goes into my fave quote folder along with " I have just ordered a Rolls Royce- they tell me it will turn on a sixpence- whatever that is" and "I can resist anything except temptation"
We talked bout Miami airport- I once spent Christmas night at the Sofitel en route to Bahamas- I always have a martini as soon as possible after landing in the States- at the bar, got chattin to a couple of guys who told me a Dorothy Parker quote...
"I never drink martinis- well, maybe one at most- for after two I am under the table, after three, I am under the host"
That goes into my fave quote folder along with " I have just ordered a Rolls Royce- they tell me it will turn on a sixpence- whatever that is" and "I can resist anything except temptation"
Saturday, 10 May 2008

It occurs to me that I should talk a lil about SL- I spend a lot of time there- not as much as I used to- but it is still a big part of my life. Why? well, its the people primarily. I love my land, and I have a hoot DJing- but hell- I met some awesome people. Some are still close to me- some, I lost on the way- but they still have a hell of an impact- this is not an inclusive list- just some of those awesome individuals- Vinny, my husband, of course- Wylde, Apolline, Miranda, my brother n sisters- Harry, my ex-husband- Casper, Wynternight, Rictus, Greg, Annmarie, Mirari, Azazeal, Kahai- just some of the friends who have touched me deeply. Of course, there are a heap of assholes too- and THAT list remains in my head- I have always had, and still have- a struggle with the gaming that goes on in SL- its not my way, though I do rp to an extent.
SL has taught me a lot- mostly about myself- at one time I used it as a kind of therapy, as so many do- but I have realised that the impact on others is inappropriate- and downright indulgent. Besides, I am actually takin pride in dealing with my issues- been a long time coming.
Its funny, but so many seem to be gettin their shit together right now, in SL and out- me included. Things will be changing again as the world makes fresh calls on me- I hope I dont lose any more friends- that would be damned careless of me. Whatever happens, I am in a much better shape to handle it than I was before I stumbled into SL.
I am grinning as I read this back- anybody not in SecondLife will be raising an eyebrow- I know - it sounds bizarre and a little delusional. It can be, at its worst- but there is also a great deal of good there.
Monday, 5 May 2008
Jack in the Green
I love living in Hastings- its a town full of eccentrics, which is cool- I blend in nicely. Its also pretty cathartic to live a five minute walk from the beach- the sea speaks to me, as it does so many people. Today was one of my favourite days- Jack in the Green. An old custom revived in the seventies- its an excuse to dress up, drink and dance in the streets, LOL! Its also the day of a huge motorcycle rally- thousands of bikes roaring round- its one of the few times I switch the mp3 off- love the sound of a big bikes exhaust. Take the link to my Flickr site to see a bunch of pics- one pic I didnt get, sadly, was a guy looked exactly like Willy Nelson, walkin down the prom with an owl on his shoulder- dammit- he out-eccentriced me- must try harder!
The procession ends up at Hastings Castle where there is Morris dancing all afternoon till the Jack is slain, allowing summer to arrive- I can hear the drumming from across the valley as I write this. Amazingly, the weather has paid heed- and its a wonderful day- warm and sunny- I actually bared ma arms in public for the first time this year- skeeeeery!
waffle the first
Hmmmmmmm, what is this about? Weeeeeeell- its random thoughts and reports on stuff I do- some will be related to Second Life, some won't. I do have another life- some of which I dont mind sharing. What it isn't, is a whining spot- at least- thats what I intend. So, I wont be passing comment or opinion on others as a rule of thumb- hellfire, I am not THAT up myself that I think anybody cares.
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