that was how my lagoon looked, before I cleared all the land last week- its all up for sale, right now- but, I may trade it in against a sim- not really decided. SL has become less attractive a place- I have very few friends left there, my brother has left and me n Vinny- well, we are talking. I have no idea if we can recover out relationship, or even if we should- but, seems to me its worth trying. I am much clearer than I have ever been of what I want and expect from my man- and compromise has to be a 2 way thing- we shall see. Whats going on RL? Well, I have found yet another flat, moving in 3 weeks- this one is great, on the coast, big rooms, small courtyard garden- I am really lookin forward to it- though the packing is a nightmare. I havent had much time, the training course I have been on has been pretty exhausting too. However- I passed the first- and most important part this week- so I am kinna pleased with myself. Its a long haul till I qualify as a conductor- at least 12 more weeks, but I am enjoying it- not to mention the bliss of having money in my pocket. Just now, I feel a bit flat still, such a lot of things in transition/turmoil and not a dream in sight. Maybe thats not such a bad thing, a reality check. One lil ray of sunshine- I talked to an old friend earlier, we hadnt exactly drifted apart- more exploded- but we talked an it was good- some people jus wont get outta your head.
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