thats a pic of the pier where I am moving too- a proper Victorian pier- love it! Packin is progressing slowly, damn, its hard work- an knowin it all has to be unpacked at the other end too *sighs* Still, I plan to take a few days off- hopefully the weather will be kind and I can enjoy a glass of wine in ma new courtyard garden. I suspect I will be ready for a break by then- my poor lil brain is creakin with all the information gettin stuffed in it. Goin to see Clutch that week too- cant begin to say how much I am lookin forward to that- an omg, Disturbed are tourin in October- so thats a MUST- jus waitin on friends to sort out days off n stuff. Life is changing, slowly but surely- I am more self sufficient than I have been for a long time. Its funny- I said I would slip into the depot quietly, keepin ma own counsel till I worked out whats what *snorts* I guess it was a vain hope- I am jus not the shy retiring type- an I am WAY easy to spot with the tomato soup coloured hair. God help em when I start to feel at home *grins*
My diabetes seems to be well under control these days, to the point where I think it might be possible to reduce my meds again- I will discuss that with my new GP- another thing on the to do list- find a doctor. I was crackin up yesterday, as I checked out the supermarket situation- its an upmarket town all right- it has a WAITROSE!
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