A lot of people spout about karma being a bitch- yadda yadda- it certainly does seem that you reap what you sow- the idea crops up in most philosophies- wiccan harm ye none, do as ye will- the christian, the buddhist- and experience tells me that sooner or later your yang will catch up with your yin (hows THAT for mixed imagery? Whats that got to do with anything you may ask- and the answer is absolutely nothing! This is a random rambling post- I always think they are my finest.Before I leave the subject though, I would have to say that I am enjoying my own lil bit of karma- all the pain and hurt and downright unfairness that I have endured have melted away in the blazing heat of the happiness that is my life right now. I dont give two hoots about whether- or when the ills of others are returned to them- I know they will be sooner or later. As for me- its so damn nice to be on the upstroke of the seesaw for a while.
Had a bit of luck last night- I was working the last train down from London- affectionately known as the vomit comet to traincrew- and halfway home got a message from Control to say that Victoria had been evacuated due to a fire (not serious) that would have caused me mega delay- and I reckon 1am is late enough to finish work in anybodys books, without added delays. See- there is a good example of how karma is rewarding me.
Whats going on in SL? well, its pretty peachy there too, of course- my Master has put a new complexion on my life in all worlds *smiles* I did the DUMBEST thing earlier, however- their was a mega griefing attack, and despite having no object entry or build, I was still being hit- so without thinking I put autoreturn on... and sent back almost 2000 prims- mostly to myself *cries* so unless Azure can rollback and restore for me- I have to re rezz and re place every damn item *sighs* I was gonna talk about an alt I spotted last night- but hell- I cant be asked to do them the courtesy of wasting ma typing on em.
Well, here we go again, time for me to go get ready for work- I have a day off tomorrow YAY! I am so looking forward to that- then another two weeks to go with just two single rest days- and then NINE whole days off ooooooh the BLISS!