Saturday, 23 May 2009


A lot of people spout about karma being a bitch- yadda yadda- it certainly does seem that you reap what you sow- the idea crops up in most philosophies- wiccan harm ye none, do as ye will- the christian, the buddhist- and experience tells me that sooner or later your yang will catch up with your yin (hows THAT for mixed imagery? Whats that got to do with anything you may ask- and the answer is absolutely nothing! This is a random rambling post- I always think they are my finest.Before I leave the subject though, I would have to say that I am enjoying my own lil bit of karma- all the pain and hurt and downright unfairness that I have endured have melted away in the blazing heat of the happiness that is my life right now. I dont give two hoots about whether- or when the ills of others are returned to them- I know they will be sooner or later. As for me- its so damn nice to be on the upstroke of the seesaw for a while.
Had a bit of luck last night- I was working the last train down from London- affectionately known as the vomit comet to traincrew- and halfway home got a message from Control to say that Victoria had been evacuated due to a fire (not serious) that would have caused me mega delay- and I reckon 1am is late enough to finish work in anybodys books, without added delays. See- there is a good example of how karma is rewarding me.
Whats going on in SL? well, its pretty peachy there too, of course- my Master has put a new complexion on my life in all worlds *smiles* I did the DUMBEST thing earlier, however- their was a mega griefing attack, and despite having no object entry or build, I was still being hit- so without thinking I put autoreturn on... and sent back almost 2000 prims- mostly to myself *cries* so unless Azure can rollback and restore for me- I have to re rezz and re place every damn item *sighs* I was gonna talk about an alt I spotted last night- but hell- I cant be asked to do them the courtesy of wasting ma typing on em.
Well, here we go again, time for me to go get ready for work- I have a day off tomorrow YAY! I am so looking forward to that- then another two weeks to go with just two single rest days- and then NINE whole days off ooooooh the BLISS!

Monday, 18 May 2009

never before published..........

So- there it is- the results of ma first session at Kalima- I am really pleased- still some work to do on the body of the bird, and the background- flowers n clouds- and of course- the all important tail feathers which will curl down to my wrist- but its been worth the wait- next session isnt booked till July- the woman gets seriously busy- but then- shes pretty damn good. I worked all the weekend, and am due to work right through till Friday week with only two separate days off- but I put in for a couple of annual leave days to give me a long weekend- we will see- find out when I get in. If I dont get em, will just have to grit my teeth- Friday week I start a block of nine rest days- woot for weird shift patterns! I might just actually DO something with my time off- I wont go away, but I feel like going out for some days- thats if I can tear myself away from Draf *smiles* the absoulute joy of having a man who is open, honest and most importantly who CARES about me and my feelings. We think alike on everything (except chocolate) and that includes relationships- it is truly astounding- I feel like spouting the usual cliches bout soulmates n all- but no- with him, I dont need to- it just IS.
Last night was pretty funny- we had darlin Tyn over n hung out for a bit, then went out dancing in SL- well- tried to- there was a DJ trial at Colisseum- and the guy needed to either sort his levels or get some cleaner downloads- the sound was pretty ropy- so we moved to Deranged- and the tune there was a really bad quality live cut- so we ended up going home, and I played for Draf while we cuddled in our hammock- even simple things like that are so damn good with him- gettin the picture?- I am pretty much devoted *laughs*
As for rl- its pretty much work- though I do have a lot of laughs there- cooked breakfast in the crewroom yesterday as I had over an hour before my first train went out- bacon, sausage and egg sammiches- yummalicious! Looking forward to goin to see Buckcherry and Sevendust in June- I decided to give the festivals a miss this year- wanna try n get a lil money saved up- although as fast as I save it..... had to pay a massive parking bill last month- and this month I got 2 speeding fines to pay- yeah, i know- dumbass me- bloody speed cameras!

Saturday, 9 May 2009

wooohoo for weekends!

Seems my last post rattled a few cages- within 3 hours of making it, the screaming vitriol in the comments appeared- deary me- if you guys have nothing better to do after all this time than monitor my every move so closely, not to mention the rather childish responses- well sheesh! Still, I suppose it is preferable to your own sad,empty lives- after all- I do have a life- in all the worlds I inhabit. Which brings me on to this weekend- OMG! the sheer bliss- I actually have a weekend off! It only happens bout once every couple of months- so although I get heaps of time off- a weekend is kinna special. Its a reasonable day- so, I am off to walk round Cissbury Ring- thats the place in the pic- its the second largest iron age fort in England- and the views are supposed to be fantastic, so I will take my camera. I have a sore arm today- began work on my new phoenix tatt- got most of the body of the bird done, still the clouds, flowers and the tail to do- it wont be complete before august- so no pics yet- or should I do work in progress...idk- we will see how the mood takes me.
Later on, I will spend the evening with Draf *sighs happily* we didnt get to see each other this week because of my shifts- last night was the first time for a few days- and we had such a good time. Draf was in the mood to spin, and we just sat at home listening to the tunes and chatting- was one of those nights where one song sparked off another- love those times! As in all things- we are totally in sync musically- its quite spooky actually- so far the only thing we dont agree on is chocolate- though he quite understands the pull for a woman *grinz*
Tomorrow, I want to do some cooking, get some meals prepared and in the freezer- its so easy to buy crap to eat at work- most stations have a vending machine if not a handy chip shop/burger bar/cafe- far to easy to live on that stuff. Had a bit of excitement this week- there was a fire on a bridge in the Arun valley, and my train was held at Amberley for forty minutes while the bridge was inspected to see if it was safe for us to proceed. I had 29 passengers on board, a nice managable number to keep informed and happy- I had time to talk to them all individually. Well, time to get my hiking boots on- damn, life is good!

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Move ON, already!

I am an unrepentant profile perv- always have been, always will be. Mostly its ppl that interest me that I see out an about- but sometimes its old friends- and even more rarely its old, umm, well, lets say ppl I used to know in SL *chuckles* Its a harmeless entertainment. As so often happens, a profile leads on to another- like a daisy chain? I IM somebody I hadnt seen for AGES recently cuz I came across their name in this way- it was fun- "where the fuck have you been" kinna conversation. Sooooooo- I had occasion to look at my ex's profile recently- and I am damned if he hasnt got this rather pompous comment about me in his profile still- five months after we split- FFS! move on, saddo! That led me to have a look at his partners profile and omg was that FUNNY! A pic of their house and a coo about their happy homelife.... house, modded by him- with building tools paid for by me- three children- pregnancies and pixel babies paid for by me- wolves and cub- paid for by me......that lil slice of paradise comes to best part of $L20,000- I do hope you both enjoy it. Personally, I prefer to pay for my own SL- always have- still do.
Seems he is happy to lay (flawed) judgement at my door but is happy to use stuff I bought him- I really dont mind- but it does seem a tad hypocritical to do both?