Seems my last post rattled a few cages- within 3 hours of making it, the screaming vitriol in the comments appeared- deary me- if you guys have nothing better to do after all this time than monitor my every move so closely, not to mention the rather childish responses- well sheesh! Still, I suppose it is preferable to your own sad,empty lives- after all- I do have a life- in all the worlds I inhabit. Which brings me on to this weekend- OMG! the sheer bliss- I actually have a weekend off! It only happens bout once every couple of months- so although I get heaps of time off- a weekend is kinna special. Its a reasonable day- so, I am off to walk round Cissbury Ring- thats the place in the pic- its the second largest iron age fort in England- and the views are supposed to be fantastic, so I will take my camera. I have a sore arm today- began work on my new phoenix tatt- got most of the body of the bird done, still the clouds, flowers and the tail to do- it wont be complete before august- so no pics yet- or should I do work in progress...idk- we will see how the mood takes me.
Later on, I will spend the evening with Draf *sighs happily* we didnt get to see each other this week because of my shifts- last night was the first time for a few days- and we had such a good time. Draf was in the mood to spin, and we just sat at home listening to the tunes and chatting- was one of those nights where one song sparked off another- love those times! As in all things- we are totally in sync musically- its quite spooky actually- so far the only thing we dont agree on is chocolate- though he quite understands the pull for a woman *grinz*
Tomorrow, I want to do some cooking, get some meals prepared and in the freezer- its so easy to buy crap to eat at work- most stations have a vending machine if not a handy chip shop/burger bar/cafe- far to easy to live on that stuff. Had a bit of excitement this week- there was a fire on a bridge in the Arun valley, and my train was held at Amberley for forty minutes while the bridge was inspected to see if it was safe for us to proceed. I had 29 passengers on board, a nice managable number to keep informed and happy- I had time to talk to them all individually. Well, time to get my hiking boots on- damn, life is good!
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