So- there it is- the results of ma first session at Kalima- I am really pleased- still some work to do on the body of the bird, and the background- flowers n clouds- and of course- the all important tail feathers which will curl down to my wrist- but its been worth the wait- next session isnt booked till July- the woman gets seriously busy- but then- shes pretty damn good. I worked all the weekend, and am due to work right through till Friday week with only two separate days off- but I put in for a couple of annual leave days to give me a long weekend- we will see- find out when I get in. If I dont get em, will just have to grit my teeth- Friday week I start a block of nine rest days- woot for weird shift patterns! I might just actually DO something with my time off- I wont go away, but I feel like going out for some days- thats if I can tear myself away from Draf *smiles* the absoulute joy of having a man who is open, honest and most importantly who CARES about me and my feelings. We think alike on everything (except chocolate) and that includes relationships- it is truly astounding- I feel like spouting the usual cliches bout soulmates n all- but no- with him, I dont need to- it just IS.
Last night was pretty funny- we had darlin Tyn over n hung out for a bit, then went out dancing in SL- well- tried to- there was a DJ trial at Colisseum- and the guy needed to either sort his levels or get some cleaner downloads- the sound was pretty ropy- so we moved to Deranged- and the tune there was a really bad quality live cut- so we ended up going home, and I played for Draf while we cuddled in our hammock- even simple things like that are so damn good with him- gettin the picture?- I am pretty much devoted *laughs*
As for rl- its pretty much work- though I do have a lot of laughs there- cooked breakfast in the crewroom yesterday as I had over an hour before my first train went out- bacon, sausage and egg sammiches- yummalicious! Looking forward to goin to see Buckcherry and Sevendust in June- I decided to give the festivals a miss this year- wanna try n get a lil money saved up- although as fast as I save it..... had to pay a massive parking bill last month- and this month I got 2 speeding fines to pay- yeah, i know- dumbass me- bloody speed cameras!
1 comment:
That's already such a beautiful tattoo, will be awesome when it's finished.
I must admit I prefer tattoos in SL ... they don't hurt when made ;-)
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