Tuesday 18 November 2008

SL? RL? the mix?

Jus lately I have been giving some thought to how sl meshes with rl- mostly in relationship terms- and- you know what- its DOESNT! There have been some crossovers into rl I know of- an wtg you guys! mostly however- it jus doesnt have legs. Here is what I think- sl relationships are born of fantasy- we are all gorgeous, witty- we spend our time having fun- whats not to fall in love with? We are all in sl to supplement our rl- something is missing or we wouldnt BE there- go on, protest away- but its the truth. However, when we get close to somebody sl, the temptation to go rl is almost overwhelming- and thats when it all goes pearshaped- all the flaws are there on show- it has to be a huge disappointment.
I also dont get how you can be in a rl relationship and apparently happy, yet be spending all available time in sl with a different partner- idk- cheatin is cheatin- an thats how that one is coloured to me. I can talk with some authority- my own rl marriage ended a few months after I came to sl- an yeah- it was a contributory factor without doubt. I am WAY happier now- but thats a whole other story. Actually, I kinna like where my lives are right now- rl is fun, busy and relationship free whereas sl is all about Vinny- I love that man more each day, he is incredible. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA talk about rl an dammit, it jumps ya- I gotta run n catcha train- I think this one may well feature in future posts tho.

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